Rutgers Delivers Poster

If you’re a Rutgers person, you know that the university makes life better in New Jersey, and you can probably rattle off people and programs that make you proud. There’s your favorite doctor at Rutgers, part of a statewide health care system that logs more than 2.1 million patient visits each year. Then there’s the neighbor’s promising daughter—one of 69,000 undergraduate and graduate students at Rutgers (83 percent of them from New Jersey). Perhaps you’ve heard about the 58,000 New Jersey jobs that Rutgers supports. Or maybe it was something about Rutgers research, which invests $712 million in R&D each year. So, even if you can’t cite the specifics, you know the essence: Rutgers delivers results that make a difference to the state.

And now the university wants to make sure the public knows, too. Enter the Rutgers Delivers campaign. Through advertising, social media, a website, publications, events, and posters, Rutgers Delivers brings the good news to legislators, alumni and friends, and residents statewide. The message is clear: every day, Rutgers prepares students, contributes to communities, cares for patients, stimulates the economy, and delivers for New Jersey.

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