Patrick Rosal, top, and Gregory Pardlo, bottom—poets who are instructors in the master of fine arts in creative writing program at Rutgers University–Camden


Margarita Corporan

Patrick Rosal, top, and Gregory Pardlo, bottom—poets who are instructors in the master of fine arts in creative writing program at Rutgers University–Camden—were named 2017 John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellows for poetry, an award considered a gold standard for people who have demonstrated exceptional scholarship or creativity in the arts. Rosal, winner of several literary honors and the author of four poetry collections, most recently Brooklyn Antediluvian (Persea, 2016), also won the 2017 Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize from the Academy of American Poets, the first Asian American to do so. Pardlo CCAS’99 won the Pulitzer Prize for poetry in 2015 for his collection Digest (Four Way Books, 2014).